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RoadMap - PicketLink v2.5.3 and Beyond

This is the roadmap document for PicketLink v2.6 and beyond.  The last release was v2.5.2

Release Version Scheme Used

1.1.0  -    1.1.1  -  -  2.0.0

First Digit:  Generations.

Second Digit: Major features. 

Third Digit : Fixes / Minor features

Fourth Digit : Hot Fixes

Important Tasks To Handle:

PicketLink v2.6

  1. Federation: SPNego IDP Validation (v2.6)   -  [https://issues.jboss.org/browse/PLINK-284]

  2. Federation:  SAML Authenticators for Undertow (v2.6) - [https://issues.jboss.org/browse/PLINK-318]

  3. Social: Quickstarts for Social Login (v2.6) [https://issues.jboss.org/browse/PLINK-323]

  4. Wildfly PicketLink subsystem update (will include IDM configuration).

  5. Core: Permission API Implementation (v2.6)

PicketLink v2.7

  1. IDM: JDBC Identity Store Implementation  (v2.7)  -   [https://issues.jboss.org/browse/PLINK-190]

  2. Quickstarts for OAuth2 Toolkit (v2.7)

  3. EAP Console PicketLink Plugin Changes (v2.7)

  4. Wildfly/EAP PicketLink Subsystem Changes (v2.7)

PicketLink v2.8

  1. REST Module plus SCIM (v2.8)

  2. PicketLink Servlet Security Support for web applications (v2.8)  [https://gist.github.com/pedroigor/5852028]

General Tasks

  1. Federation: Interoperability with various security systems (Ongoing)

  2. QE Formalization (Ongoing)

RoadMap Schedule:

  • v2.6 [Jan 20, 2014]

    • Beta1: November 15, 2013

    • Beta2: December 20, 2013

    • CR1: Jan 10, 2014

    • CR2: Jan 15, 2014

  • v2.7 [April 15, 2014]

    • Beta 1: Feb 15, 2014

    • Beta2: March 15, 2014

    • CR1: April 5, 2014

    • CR2: April 10, 2014

  • v2.8 [July 15, 2014]

    • Beta1: May 15, 2014

    • Beta2: June 15, 2014

    • CR1: July 5, 2014

    • CR2: July 10, 2014

Interoperability Plan

Please list out open source and commercial security systems out here.

  1. Shibboleth

  2. Novell IDM

  3. IBM Tivoli

  4. Ping

  5. CA SiteMinder

  6. Oracle IDM

  7. Microsoft ADFSv2

    We just intend to perform interoperability testing against as many security systems in the industry as we can. This is NOT a formal certification plan.

    We request the PicketLink community to help us set up interoperability infrastructure.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-11 12:19:43 UTC, last content change 2014-01-10 17:59:39 UTC.